Trade Show Give-Away
The interactive card trick that grabs attention and delivers your message. Have Robert present and teach this trick as part of his trade show performance at your booth.
Then Robert can have the attendees lined up, happy to give you their information in exchange for this great inter-active give away.
Don’t let attendees walk through your booth grab all your give aways and walk away. Draw people to your booth with a professional magic trick that delivers your message over and over again, every time they perform it. Have this trick presented by a professional magician. Now we are maximizing your dollars and truly delivering your message.
See how easy it is:
This is a self-working card trick which will be repeated many, many times.
The recipient will perform this card trick again and again, showing your advertising message.
Your logo is easily integrated into this easy, amazing trick.
$1,250 per thousand. With your logo, custom printing, and instruction.