A restaurant magician’s benefits list…

“Why would a restaurant hire a magician?”
1)   If there’s a problem in the kitchen (causing a delay) magicians can use a technique called “time misdirection”. Consider this. “We don’t watch the clock when we’re having fun. If the food is taking ‘forever’, the magician can (seemingly) warp time to the benefit of the kitchen… restaurant… management, server, and the guests.
2) Magicians are “marketing gurus”. We direct attention and we are great at self promotion “Look I’m superhuman!” Is implied.
3) We’re local celebrities.  I’m humble, but I see people looking at me all the time.  Not only that, but we’re linguists (we study language…) so we understand how to  greet, smooth over and invite people, which brings our pull up.
4)  A pull is how many customers I bring the restaurant when I perform. Using the assumption that the menu items are sold in the same ratios, Beer/alcohol/appetizers/entrees/desserts with more people (<<My pull) . That would mean the restaurant makes more money.
5) We make long wait line disappear, well at least seem to. I cant tell you how many times I’ve walked away from a 20 minute wait. A watch clock never seems to move. But a strolling magician working the line, entertaining and reassuring your guest that it’s worth the wait, keeps their eyes off their watches.
6) Special occasions. Wouldn’t it be great to have your own on-site celebrity to bring that something special to a group celebration. A the strolling performer I have often created a piece of custom magic that left a couple with a take away souvenir they kept for years.
These are just a few of the many reason’s you might want your own on-site celebrity performer.